
Custom Perimeter wall displays

All the space of the store has commercial value, and it is the pursuit of every store to build a space with a good shopping experience for customers. The part against the wall occupies a large part of the store, and the display against the wall is an important part of the entire store's merchandising. Generally speaking, there are display racks placed directly on the floor against the wall, and there are also direct fixed store fixtures on the wall.

The perimeter wall displays have the following features:

  1. Heavy duty, safe, and reliable.
  2. Extensible and modular.
  3. It can be made into window merchandising.
  4. Generally, there can be shelves fixed on the wall, and there are also wall brackets (wall shelves and wall display rack).

Custom Back Wall Displays (Perimeter Fixtures)

There is a psychology in the presentation and buildup of stock in an area of a shop or a department, which are all in house fabricate.

  • The lowest fixtures are up front; the next area, or midsection, is next in fixture height; and the back wall is the highest merchandising area.
  • The basic custom idea is to make the back wall visible from the aisle or the front of the shop or area. The stocking of the back wall should not be minimized or disregarded. Store planners will wash the back walls with light or add perimeter lighting effects for emphasis. They will use the light under the fascia for attention and attraction, even spotlighting some of the super walls (the area over the stocked merchandise).
  • The back wall is best used for coordinates, with top over bottom, or to create an impact for the classification of the merchandise contained within this area. The walls, whether they are used for hanging, shelving, binning, or a combination of these, are also treated in the light-to-dark, small-to-large, left-to-right manner of merchandising. Because the lowest hang-rods, shelves, or bins will not be visible from up front, a vertical presentation is used. Ordinarily, the lower part of the back wall is all but hidden by fixtures, sales help, and customers collected in front of it. The merchandise that is to be hung on the two levels of the vertical presentation will be shown red over red, yellow over yellow, and so on; the larger sizes of the vertical presentation will be shown on top; blouses on top, skirts and trousers on the bottom.
  • Ideally, the back wall should be broken into coordinated groupings or color patterns to stimulate, please the eye, and alleviate the curse of uniformity and boredom. Endless rows of sweaters or jackets hung at the same level or binned without a break tend to be boring. 

The Top Benefits of Using Wall Displays

1. Custom POP displays mounted on the wall, lean against the wall, which means it is good for heavy duty.

2. It is extensible in vertical & horizontal ways.

3. Shelves, cross bars, hooks, brackets, etc, can be mounted on the wall directly.

4. Wall displays can transform add-shaped and divided into sections, which means it is good for shop-in-shop displays.

Custom Wall Displays

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Der Schutz unserer Umwelt ist die Grundlage für den Erhalt unseres Planeten, unserer Gemeinschaft und unserer Wirtschaft. Eco-Manufacturing ist die Herstellung von Produkten durch wirtschaftlich sinnvolle Prozesse, die die negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt minimieren und gleichzeitig Energie und natürliche Ressourcen schonen. Solid Displays strebt nach langfristigem Erfolg durch die Einführung umweltfreundlicher Herstellungsprozesse.

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