Vitrina acrílica para zapatos con panel frontal extraíble

Acrylic Shoe Display Case with Pull-Out Front Board: a clear, bottomless acrylic case securely attached to a wooden base. Equipped with a pull-out front panel, with a logo on the top.

Vitrina acrílica para zapatos con panel frontal extraíble: una vitrina acrílica transparente sin fondo sujeta firmemente a una base de madera.

Equipado con un panel frontal extraíble, con un logotipo en la parte superior.


Detalle del producto

Vitrina acrílica para zapatos con panel frontal extraíble

En acrylic shoe display case is a thoughtfully designed tabletop display stand that combines a clear acrylic case and a dark wooden base. The front board is designed to pull out. It is ideal for showcasing a single luxury shoe sample on counter.

Características de diseño

  1. Durable Structure
    • A clear, bottomless acrylic case securely attached to a wooden base, this design ensures stability and durability, making the shoe display case suitable for long-term use.
  2. Pull-Out Front Board
    • The pull-out front board is slightly taller than the acrylic case, making it easy to pull out and in for effortless placement of shoe samples.
    • The front board's extended portion above the acrylic case provides space for printing your store or brand logo, enhancing brand visibility and recognition.

Beneficios funcionales

  1. Custom Display Options
    • The shoe display case is designed for tabletop use and displays a single shoe sample. Customization options are available to showcase a pair of shoes if needed.
  2. Enhanced Aesthetic and Utility
    • The extended section of the pull-out front board can feature a frosted finish, adding a sophisticated texture and aesthetic appeal while improving friction for easier pulling.
    • The frosted area is also ideal for screen-printing logos, allowing for personalized branding.
  3. Wide Application Scenarios
    • The acrylic case with wooden base is well-suited for retail environments, such as luxury shoe displays in sportswear stores and athletic apparel shops.
    • It is also excellent for exhibition settings, including shoe trade fairs and fashion expos.
    • Furthermore, it can be used for personal collections to showcase prized footwear.


  • Overall Dimensions: 33.02cm x 16.51cm x 20.96cm (13in x 6.5in x 8.25in)
  • Wooden Base Dimensions: 33.02cm x 16.51cm x 1.27cm (13in x 6.5in x 0.5in)
  • Acrylic Case Dimensions: 30.48cm x 13.97cm x 17.78cm (12in x 5.5in x 7in)
  • Front Board Dimensions: 30.48cm x 19.69cm (12in x 7.75in)

The acrylic shoe display box combines sleek aesthetics with functional design, making it an exceptional choice for retail displays, trade shows, and personal collections.


Función Countertop single shoe display case
Características Acrylic case with pull-out front panel
Dimensión 33.02cm x 16.51cm x 20.96cm (13in x 6.5in x 8.25in), or customized
Color Clear case and dark base, or customized
Materiales Acrylic, wood
Paquete Desmontaje para envases planos


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