Bandeja acrílica para exposición de perfumes

8-hole acrylic display tray for perfume display with customized color and size. Used for countertop display and collection. Used as the cosmetic display like perfume display, lipstick display, eyebrow pencil display, or other bottled makeup liquid display. Used in other industries, such as jewelry, electronics.

Bandeja expositora acrílica de 8 agujeros para exposición de perfumes con color y tamaño personalizados.

Se utiliza para exposición y recogida en mostradores.

Se utiliza como expositor de cosméticos, como expositor de perfumes, expositor de pintalabios, expositor de lápices de cejas u otros líquidos de maquillaje embotellados.

Se utiliza en otras industrias, como la joyería o la electrónica.


Detalle del producto

8 Holes Colored Acrylic Tray for Perfume Display

En bandeja acrílica de color para expositor de perfumes is designed for perfume, bottled makeup liquid, or other smaller products, all used as tabletop displays, this eye-catching perfume tray ensures easy positioning and portability, providing a versatile solution for business stores or retail environments. Explore the myriad benefits and applications of perfume displays that have revolutionized the retail landscape. Colored acrylic displays have become increasingly popular in various industries due to their versatility and aesthetic appeal.

1. Comprender los expositores acrílicos de colores

Colored acrylic displays are made from a durable and lightweight material known as acrylic. They are available in a wide array of vibrant colors, allowing businesses to choose the perfect shade to match their branding or create eye-catching custom POS displays or POP displays. The transparency of acrylic also adds a unique touch, making the displayed items stand out. For this show item, you can see it is a yellow acrylic display rack, even an eye-catching and elegant holder on the retail countertop.

2. Aplicaciones en el comercio minorista

In the retail industry, the acrylic displays offer endless possibilities. It can be used as the cosmetic display like perfume display, lipstick display, eyebrow pencil display, or other bottled makeup liquid display. It also can be used in other industries, such as jewelry, electronics, etc. The vibrant colors and transparency of acrylic create an attractive presentation, drawing customers' attention and increasing the likelihood of making a sale.

Additionally, these point of sales displays can be customized in various shapes and sizes to fit specific product requirements. This bespoke display stand features 2 rows, each containing 4 holes, totaling 8 holes overall. Notably, these 8 holes come in varying sizes.

En metal tray for perfume display has a similar size and foundation.

3. Merchandising visual

Colored acrylic plays a crucial role in visual merchandising. It allows retailers to create visually appealing arrangements that highlight specific products or promotions. By incorporating different colors and shapes, retailers can create a captivating display that captures customers' interest and encourages them to explore further.

4. Events and Exhibitions

The acrylic display tray is also widely used at events and exhibitions. It can be used to showcase makeup items, provide information, or create interactive experiences. The versatility of acrylic allows for the creation of unique and attention-grabbing displays that leave a lasting impression on attendees.

5. Estructura fuerte y estable

The structure of the acrylic tray is strong and stable. On the one hand, this design can ensure the stability of the display tray during long-term use and reduce the costs associated with frequent replacement. On the other hand, the strong structure also makes it safer during long-distance transportation and will not be easily damaged in makeup stores.

6. Ventajas de los expositores acrílicos de colores

  • Durabilidad: Los expositores acrílicos son muy duraderos, por lo que son adecuados para un uso a largo plazo y reducen los costes de sustitución.
  • Ligero: La ligereza del acrílico facilita el transporte y la instalación de los expositores.
  • Personalización: Acrylic displays can be tailored to meet specific preferences, accommodating diverse needs regarding shape, dimensions, color schemes, etc.
  • Versatilidad: With their adaptability to different industries and environments, the acrylic displays provide unmatched flexibility.
  • Rentable: Los expositores acrílicos son una solución rentable en comparación con otros materiales de exposición, ya que aportan valor sin comprometer la calidad.

Solid Displays has nearly 20 years of expertise and design experience in color acrylic manufacturing, we invite you to use this vibrant perfume display tray in colored acrylic to meet your unique retail needs.


Función Perfume tray for organizer and collection
Características 8 holes
Dimensión Personalizable
Color Yellow, or customized
Materiales Arylic (PMMA, plexiglass)
Paquete Empaquetado por unidad en bolsa de PP y, a continuación, empaquetado plano en caja de cartón


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