Mesas nido semiredondas

Half round nesting tables, include a larger semi-circular ring table and a smaller semi-circular table that can be adjusted in height. Suit for bars, food shops, cafes, clothing stores, etc.

Mesas nido semicirculares, incluyen una mesa semicircular anular más grande y una mesa semicircular más pequeña regulable en altura.

Adecuado para bares, tiendas de alimentación, cafeterías, tiendas de ropa, etc.


Detalle del producto

Versatile Half Round Nesting Tables

En half round nesting tables are crafted with a combination of metal frames and wooden tabletops. The set of nested tables includes a larger semi-circular ring table and a smaller semi-circular table that can be adjusted in height. When nested together, they form a complete circular table, this set of tables is designed to offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Stability Design

  1. The legs of the outer semi-circular ring table are not vertical to the ground, instead, they are angled to ensure the table's stability when used in the retail environment or food store.
  2. The legs of the inner semi-circular table are supported by a metal base of the same size as the tabletop and 2 metal tubes, providing stability when used independently.
  3. When the 2 tables are nested together, their stability is further enhanced.

Display Options

These nesting half-round tables offer multiple display configurations to suit various needs and aesthetic preferences for retailers and shop owners, like bars, food shops, cafes, clothing stores, etc.

  1. Nested Configuration: The tables can be nested together to create a cohesive, full semi-circular table, perfect for compact spaces or for creating a focal point. If there are temporary needs, they can be separated and used separately.
  2. Separate Use: The nesting semi circular tables can be used separately to highlight their beauty while maintaining a sense of unity. However, to preserve their cohesive look, it is recommended not to place them too far apart.
  3. Elevated Arrangement: The smaller semi-circular table can be adjusted to a higher position, creating a set of semi-enclosed high and low tables for use, adding visual interest and functional versatility.
  4. Can be used as half round nesting coffee tables.


  1. The overall dimensions of the nesting round tables are 152.4cm x 76.2cm x 76.2cm (60in x 30in x 30in).
  2. The outer ring table has an outer diameter of 152.4cm (60in) and an inner diameter of 76.2cm (30in).
  3. The smaller semi-circular table has a diameter of 76.2cm (30in) and can be elevated to a maximum height of 88.9cm (35in).

These half-round nested tables from Solid Displays are perfect for those who appreciate innovative design and practical functionality in their home decor. Whether used nested together or separately, they provide a unique and stylish solution for any space.


Función Nested tables in the shape of half-round
Características 1 larger semi-circular ring table + 1 smaller semi-circular table
Dimensión 152.4cm x 76.2cm x 76.2cm (60in x 30in x 30in), or customized
Color Personalizado
Materiales Tubos metálicos y madera maciza de primera calidad
Paquete Desmontaje para envases planos


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