Vitrina para gafas con forma de casa

House-shaped eyeglass display cabinet with a hanger-like hook. Used on the countertop or hung on the wall for a fashion brand.

Vitrina para gafas con forma de casa y gancho tipo percha.

Utilizado en la encimera o colgado en la pared para una marca de moda.


Detalle del producto

House-Shaped Eyeglass Display Cabinet Used on Countertop

The countertop vitrina para gafas -- the embodiment of both style and functionality. The eyeglass display box is made of 5 pieces of wood spliced together into a semi-enclosed house shape, with a hanger-like hook hanging in it to display eyeglasses.

Marca distintiva y perchas multiusos

We equip the eyewear display racks with multifunctional hooks that allow you to display eyewear in a variety of design types. It can display multiple eyewear items of the same series at the same time to achieve overall unity, or it can display different types of eyeglasses to highlight the unique characteristics of individual glasses. Each eyeglass case will be uniquely branded, a solution that can effectively showcase your brand or store in offline retail, and increase brand awareness.

La estructura de madera aporta un ambiente cálido

The overall structure of the eyewear display cabinet is made of 5 wooden boards and the overall color is warm. It can easily adapt to your various store decoration styles and sales styles of different periods, bringing a warm atmosphere to your store and bringing customers a good shopping experience. While improving the aesthetics of the store, it attracts more potential consumers to shop.

Make an Alluring Eyewear Display for Customers

Create an eyewear haven in your store space by using the house-shaped wooden display cabinet for eyewear to arrange eyeglass items in an eye-catching way, depending on your in-store style needs or the needs of the shop schedule. The countertop display cabinet can take the aesthetics of your eyewear item to new heights and give it a sophisticated touch that will grab your customers' attention.

Colocados estratégicamente para aumentar las ventas

You can change the way you sell by placing the custom display cabinet on or near the checkout counter. This conspicuous and must-pass location will be displayed to customers to the greatest extent, thereby promoting sales. Paired with great eyewear from your brand or store, this approach will attract more customers. Leverage the promotional potential of your presentation to increase sales and total revenue.

Marco sólido y seguro

The house-shaped eyewear box boasts a robust wooden framework, that not only guarantees the stability of the display rack over extended periods of use, thus minimizing expenses linked to frequent replacements but also enhances safety during long-distance transportation, preventing damage.

Almacene cómodamente sus gafas al tiempo que las promociona

The customized eyewear rack is both an efficient way to keep eyewear organized and a potent marketing tool. Customers are more likely to investigate the alternatives and make a purchase because of the eyewear's clear visibility and simplified design, which enhances consumer engagement. Improve the way you promote your eyewear by combining style and function. Give your consumers an engaging shopping experience, and watch as sales soar thanks to well-thought-out positioning and eye-catching displays.


Función Vitrina de gafas en la encimera
Características House-shaped frame a with hanger-like hook
Dimensión Personalizable
Color Natural pine wood with artwork, or customized
Materiales Pinewood
Paquete Embalaje del buzón montado


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