Expositores murales de azulejos

Wall-mounted tile display boards, crafted entirely from durable metal. Each set includes 4 metal bars equipped with secure clasps, and each bar supports 3 square metal boards to showcase tile samples.

Expositores murales de azulejos, fabricados íntegramente en metal resistente.

Cada juego incluye 4 barras metálicas equipadas con cierres de seguridad, y cada barra soporta 3 tableros metálicos cuadrados para exponer muestras de azulejos.


Detalle del producto

Wall-Mounted Tile Display Boards with Top Logo

En wall-mounted tile display boards, crafted entirely from durable metal, each set includes 4 metal bars equipped with secure clasps, and each bar supports 3 square metal boards to showcase tile samples. The top sign display board can feature your brand logo and other custom elements, making this display perfect for various types of tiles and wooden boards.

Design Structure

  1. The tile display stand is composed of 4 wall-mounted metal bars, 3 square metal frames on each bar for holding tile samples, and top sign displays. They are all made from robust metal materials. The metal framework ensures long-term use without deformation or corrosion and also provides a reliable display for your displayed samples.
  2. Each set comprises 4 metal bars with clasps, each holding 3 square metal boards. The graphic display board on the top can be customized to include your brand logo and other elements. Customization options are available upon your request.
  3. The tile display stand is finished in matte blue. This metallic and matte blue brings a cool and noble atmosphere to the nearby display area, suitable for highlighting the material, pattern, and style of the tile samples.

Installation Steps

  1. Secure the metal bars to the wall using screws.
  2. Attach the square metal display frames to the metal bars by slotting them into the clasps.
  3. Complete the setup by adding the top sign display.


  1. This particular design features 4 metal bars per set, each capable of displaying 3 tile samples, arranged in 3 rows and 4 columns, allowing you to display a total of 12 samples per set. We offer customization services to cater to your specific needs, including the shape of the metal bars, the shape of the display frames, and the sample capacity.
  2. The top signage display can be printed with your brand or store logo, cultural messages, promotional information, or product details.


  • Individual Sample Display Frame Dimensions: 40.62cm x 40.62cm (15.9911in x 15.9911in)
  • Top POP Sign Board Dimensions: 30.48cm x 15.24cm (12in x 6in)

Enhance your showroom with our wall-mounted tile display boards, offering both durability and aesthetic appeal to perfectly showcase your tile and wood samples.


Función Custom wall-mounted displays for tiles and wooden boards
Características Wall-mounted display with top logo
Dimensión personalizado
Color Matte blue, or customized
Materiales Metal de alta calidad, como el acero inoxidable
Paquete Desmontaje para envases planos


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