Comment les présentoirs de comptoir personnalisés stimulent-ils les ventes ?

Comment les présentoirs de comptoir personnalisés stimulent-ils les ventes ?

In the competitive landscape of retail, businesses continuously seek innovative strategies to attract customers and increase sales. One highly effective yet often overlooked method is the use of custom counter displays. These strategically designed fixtures not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of a store but also play a critical role in influencing purchasing behavior. This blog explores the multifaceted ways in which custom counter displays boost sales, supported by rigorous and realistic data.

Boîte de présentation de comptoir
Boîte de présentation de comptoir

The Psychological Impact of Visual Merchandising

Visual merchandising is a key component of retail strategy, aiming to create an engaging and pleasant shopping experience. Custom counter displays are a vital part of this strategy. They are typically placed at the point of sale, where customers make final purchasing decisions. This positioning leverages the concept of impulse buying, a significant driver of sales in the retail sector.

Studies have shown that a substantial portion of retail purchases are unplanned. According to a study by Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI), approximately 70% of purchase decisions are made in-store. This statistic underscores the importance of in-store marketing tools like custom counter displays. By presenting products in an appealing and accessible manner, these displays can effectively capture the customer’s attention and encourage additional purchases.

Enhancing Product Visibility

One of the primary functions of custom counter displays is to enhance product visibility. In a cluttered retail environment, products must stand out. Custom displays are designed to highlight specific items, making them more noticeable to shoppers. This increased visibility can lead to higher sales volumes.

For instance, a study conducted by the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services found that products placed on custom displays experienced a 19% increase in sales compared to those placed on regular shelves. This increase can be attributed to the fact that custom displays often use creative designs and strategic lighting to draw attention to the products they feature. By making products more visually appealing and easier to locate, custom displays can significantly boost sales.

Facilitating Product Interaction

Custom counter displays are not just about aesthetics, they also facilitate product interaction. When products are placed within easy reach and are presented invitingly, customers are more likely to pick them up and examine them. This tactile engagement can enhance the perceived value of the product, making customers more inclined to purchase.

Research supports this notion. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that allowing customers to touch and interact with products can increase perceived ownership and desirability, leading to higher sales. Custom counter displays that encourage such interaction can thus play a pivotal role in driving sales.

Promoting Cross-Selling Opportunities

Another advantage of custom counter displays is their ability to promote cross-selling opportunities. Retailers can strategically place complementary products together on these displays, encouraging customers to purchase additional items that they might not have considered otherwise. For example, a custom counter display featuring a popular smartphone might also include accessories such as cases, chargers, and earphones.

This approach not only increases the average transaction value but also enhances the overall customer experience by providing a convenient and cohesive shopping solution. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, effective cross-selling can increase sales by up to 20%. Custom counter displays offer an ideal platform to implement cross-selling strategies, thereby boosting overall sales.

Building Brand Awareness and Loyalty

Custom counter displays also serve as powerful branding tools. They offer retailers the opportunity to reinforce their brand identity through consistent design elements such as colors, logos, and slogans. A well-designed display can create a memorable impression on customers, enhancing brand recognition and loyalty.

Branding is particularly important in today’s market, where consumers are often overwhelmed by choices. By creating a distinctive and visually appealing brand presence through custom displays, retailers can differentiate themselves from competitors. A survey by Nielsen found that 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them. Thus, custom counter displays that effectively communicate the brand’s message can contribute to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Data-Driven Effectiveness

The effectiveness of custom counter displays is not just theoretical; it is supported by rigorous and realistic data. A case study by the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business analyzed the impact of custom displays in a large retail chain. The study found that stores utilizing custom counter displays saw a 23% increase in sales for the featured products compared to stores that did not use such displays. This data provides concrete evidence of the tangible benefits that custom counter displays can offer.

Furthermore, the same study highlighted that the return on investment (ROI) for custom counter displays was significantly higher than for other in-store marketing strategies. This high ROI underscores the cost-effectiveness of custom displays as a sales-boosting tool.


In conclusion, custom counter displays are a powerful tool for boosting sales in the retail environment. By enhancing product visibility, facilitating interaction, promoting cross-selling, and reinforcing brand identity, these displays can significantly influence purchasing behavior. The impact of custom counter displays is supported by rigorous and realistic data, demonstrating their effectiveness in increasing sales and providing a high return on investment. For retailers looking to enhance their in-store marketing strategies, investing in custom counter displays is a smart and profitable decision.


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