Présentoir pour benne à ordures en fil métallique

Wire dump bin display for large storage of retail stores, all made of metal tube and wire. Equipped with a POP slot for signage display.

Présentoir de poubelles en fil de fer pour le grand stockage des magasins de détail, tout en tube métallique et en fil de fer.

Équipé d'une fente POP pour l'affichage de la signalétique.

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Détail du produit

Wire Dump Bin Display for Large Storage

Wire Dump bin display, a blend of traditional outlook and durability meticulously, is typically placed in point-of-purchase locations within a store to maximize its effectiveness. Here are some common placement locations:

  1. Entrée : Placing the retail dump bins at the entrance of the store can capture the attention of customers, especially during promotional periods. This helps guide customers into the store and encourages them to browse through featured items.
  2. Zones à fort trafic : En les plaçant dans des zones très fréquentées, telles que les intersections d'allées ou à proximité de produits populaires, on s'assure que davantage de clients voient et sont attirés par le présentoir, ce qui accroît les opportunités de vente.
  3. Produits spécifiques proches : If the items featured in the metal dump bin are related to a specific product or category, consider placing the bins near that particular product. This helps boost sales of related items.
  4. Près de la caisse : Placing them near the checkout or point-of-sale area can capture customers' interest as they complete their transactions, prompting them to make additional purchases.
  5. Zones saisonnières : Depending on the season or holiday, placing shop dump bins in areas relevant to the theme can be effective. For example, during the holiday season, showcasing products with a festive theme in a central store location.
  6. Zones de promotion spéciale : During special promotions or clearance sales, positioning the display bins as end cap displays in designated promotion areas attracts more attention.

In summary, the key is to place dump bin displays for retail stores in locations where customers frequent to ensure they are easily noticed and positively influence purchase decisions

Then let's take a closer look at the features and advantages that make this bespoke display stand out from the crowd.

1. Robust Build to Handle Heavy Frame

The custom retail display is designed around a metallic frame that has been constructed with ultimate painstaking to act as its strong support. It has been built heavy duty so it can easily bear the weight of merchandise, making it a choice stand for retail stores to showcase commodities that come with varying shapes, sizes, and densities.

2. Easy to Assemble

Solid Displays gives you a knockdown design flat-packed. This, in addition to safeguarding the display stand during the process of transportation, leaves a huge dent in the amount that you will be required to pay for shipping the material. How user-friendly the assembly process is, makes the complex task of assembling the flat-packed parts into a display unit, an easy-to-carry-out task. It will allow for a quick and simple installation.

3. Flexibility with POP Frame Slot

To give more heightened levels of advertisement of your brand, our dump bin display stand comes already fitted with a slot. This slot has been positioned accurately to interface perfectly with a POP frame. It gives you the best location to have your brand or store's logo and any other relevant sales information placed. The connection offered will always position your message at the front and center, attracting attention toward purchasing from the target consumers.

4. Application

Through seasonal displays, clearance product displays, theme displays, cross-selling displays, and promotional and discount information, customers' impulse purchases can be promoted, while also improving space utilization and brand awareness within the store.


Fonction Présentation de la benne à ordures sur le sol
Caractéristiques Cadre métallique et fil de fer
Dimension Sur mesure
Couleur Noir
Matériaux Métal (tube et fil)
Paquet Démontage à plat

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