Espositore per piastrelle quadrate sfalsate

Staggered Square Tile Display Stand, composed of 3 wooden panels. 2 side panels provide solid support, and 1 inclined for displaying tile samples. 2 staggered rows with 7 slots, specifically tailored for square tile samples.

Espositore per piastrelle quadrato sfalsato, composto da 3 pannelli in legno. 2 pannelli laterali forniscono un solido supporto e 1 inclinato per l'esposizione di campioni di piastrelle.

2 file sfalsate con 7 fessure, specifiche per i campioni di piastrelle quadrate.


Dettaglio prodotto

2 Staggered Square Tile Display Stand

Il staggered square tile display stand is specifically designed to showcase square tile samples stylishly and space-efficiently. Constructed entirely from wood, this stand combines durability with lightweight convenience, making it easy to move and adapt to any retail or exhibition environment. It is an ideal display solution for tile stores, home furnishing stores, custom home décor shops, and trade show exhibits.

Structure & Design

  1. Efficient Use of Materials: The custom POP display stand for tiles features a simple yet sturdy structure composed of 3 wooden panels. 2 side panels provide solid support, while the inclined 1 panel is designed for displaying tile samples. This efficient design minimizes material usage and reduces costs while maintaining structural stability.
  2. Staggered Layout: The inclined surface features 2 staggered rows with 7 slots, specifically tailored for square tile samples. The staggered arrangement not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also maximizes display capacity within a limited retail space, allowing customers to view more options at once.
  3. Marchio personalizzabile: The side 2 panels can be customized with your store or brand logo, offering an excellent opportunity for brand promotion while maintaining a sleek and professional appearance.


  1. Capacità del display: The slanted display surface can hold up to 7 square tile samples in a staggered layout, providing an attractive and organized way to present your products.
  2. Applicazione versatile: The custom display stand is perfect for use in retail environments, including tile stores, home décor shops, and whole house customization stores. It is also an excellent choice for showcasing products at exhibitions and trade shows, where space and presentation matter most.


  • Overall Size: 40.44cm x 41.15cm x 80.96cm (15.9213in x 16.1992in x 31.8756in)
  • Inclined Surface Angle: 105°

The staggered tile display design for 7 square tile samples combines functionality with a sleek, modern design, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to showcase their tile products in an organized and visually appealing way. Its sturdy yet lightweight wooden structure and customizable branding options ensure it meets the needs of any retail or exhibition setting.


Funzione Custom floor display stand for square tiles
Caratteristiche 2 staggered rows
Dimensione 40.44cm x 41.15cm x 80.96cm (15.9213in x 16.1992in x 31.8756in), or customized
Colore Wood color, or customized
I materiali wood, or customized
Pacchetto Abbattimento per imballaggi piatti

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