2024年、クラッチバッグのディスプレイ・アイデア ベスト5

2024年、クラッチバッグのディスプレイ・アイデア ベスト5




This trend of fashion is not stopping in 2024, the motion towards a more minimal and cleaner line of displays will push through. Clutch bag displays will be the latest modern showcases -- simple geometric forms in neutral colors with subtle lighting -- allow the merchandise to take focus.

A recent study done by the Global Retail Design Institute showed that minimalist displays increase customer engagement by up to 27% compared to more cluttered or ornate setups. This approach not only highlights the craftsmanship and design of the clutch bags but also creates a feel of exclusivity and luxury.


The next generation of clutch bag displays is going to be more focused on interactivity and engagement with the customers. Retailers will use touchscreen, AR (augmented reality), and various interactive elements so that the customer can dig in and tailor the shopping experience.

According to the International ICSC (Council of Shopping Centers), 68% of shoppers make a purchase decision only if the product allows them to experience a meaningful interaction. Retailers can roll out interactive displays and join in on the latest trends by offering them a truly immersive shopping experience.


And as environmental awareness keeps growing, clutch bag displays in 2024 will reveal more attention focused on sustainability. It, therefore, means that retailers will, at the same time, consider displays produced from more sustainable materials, including recycled plastics, bamboo, or even upcycled.

The study from the Sustainable Apparel Coalition found that 81% of consumers said that they would be likely to purchase a product if the brand or retailer had put sustainability in place. Retailers can attract this environmentally aware consumer base to their point-of-sale and establish themselves as responsible market leaders by incorporating sustainable elements into their displays of clutch bags.






ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー(Harvard Business Review)誌の調査によると、消費者は魅力的なストーリーを持つブランドを記憶し、それに関与する可能性が高いという。マルチメディア・ディスプレイ、インタラクティブ・インスタレーション、あるいはライブ・デモンストレーションなど、没入型の要素を取り入れることで、小売業者は消費者を魅了し、印象に残るものを作ることができる。


