Дисплеи счетчиков

Counter display Stands

When you are running your store or want to sales promotion in the retail shops, you need to consider how to make the counter display, it is also caled desktop display. Through countertop display, your products can be neatly displayed and classified, and in this way, it is easier to highlight the effect of POS displays and POP displays, improve the aesthetics of the entire store, and gain shoppers' attraction and favor.

The custom counter display rack uses the existing counters or desktops of the store as the display platform. The classification highlights the display effect of the goods. The investment is relatively small, but it is really necessary. Through a small investment, better sales and brand awareness can be obtained through promotion.

Дисплеи счетчиков

Особенности и области применения прилавочных дисплеев

1. Custom Countertop Displays

The goal of custom retail counter displays is to make the merchandise accessible, feature and highlight items, protect against theft, and provide enough space to stock merchandise. All in house fabrecate.

2. Display Method: Tray or Bin

Containers or boxes to hold products or merchandise can vary in size, shape, and proportion. Both tray and bin can be constructed of acrylic, metal stampings, or wood.

3. Display Risers

The Display risers or small elevations will add interest to a display of small items, such as fragrances, cosmetics, or small leather goods.

4. Display Holders

В комплект входят держатели для вывесок, брошюр, литературы и другие подобные изделия.

Through the above several kind of display holders, you can clearly see the different types of countertop displays. It is through better classification and placement, and according to the more personalized placement of the product, the product can be better displayed to sales promotion. With the effect of improving the brand image, it can defeat similar products that are not well classified and improve consumers' consumption experience Similarly, because it is placed on the table or shelves, only some relatively small and light products can be displayed. It can be moved at any time, or placed on the checkout desktop for promotional purposes.

индивидуальный прилавочный дисплей
Подставка для цветных акриловых дисплеев

Организатор и сборник

When floor space is at a premium, countertop display cases allow you to display products at eye level. When other products of the same category are not placed on the shelves or other cabinets properly, but your products are neatly arranged and arranged neatly you are the winner in the store.

Solid Displays uses different types of materials to make a suitable countertop display unit, it can be metal or wood, and it can also be plastic such as acrylic or FPVC. It assists with graphics to enlarge the selling POS or POP and gives shoppers a natural and orderly experience.

Custom Counter Displays

Металлический поднос для демонстрации парфюмерии 01

Металлический поднос для демонстрации парфюмерии

Бронзовый металлический поднос на 12 отверстий для демонстрации парфюмерии.

Состоит из нержавеющей стали, матовой поверхности и позолоты.

Используется как косметический дисплей: дисплей духов, дисплей губной помады, дисплей карандаша для бровей или других жидкостей для макияжа в бутылках.

Используется в других отраслях, например, в ювелирном деле и электронике.

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The goal of custom counter displays is to make the merchandise organized and collected well. How do you customize your counter displays? What is the purpose of your unique counter displays?

The counter displays are usually relatively small and can be placed at the desktop, or checkout counter of the shopping mall to display some small items, attract customers to your product displayed on the counter, and then promote cross-selling. If your products can be organized and collected in the retail store, then you are the winner in the business market among the competitors.

Creating POP displays and POS displays involves various elements tied to product promotion, including the incorporation of logos, slogans, effective product merchandising strategies, and careful positioning of custom countertop displays. Solid Displays has been the specialist in custom POP counter displays since 2008.

Защита окружающей среды - это основа для сохранения нашей планеты, общества и экономики. Экопроизводство - это создание промышленных изделий с помощью экономически обоснованных процессов, которые минимизируют негативное воздействие на окружающую среду, сохраняя энергию и природные ресурсы. Компания Solid Displays стремится к долгосрочному успеху, внедряя экологически безопасные производственные процессы.

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