Стойка для демонстрации обуви

Shoe display rack, 2 sides with shelves to display, and the other 2 sides to display POP signage. A lightbox on one side illuminates your shoes and the sign display. Side and head logos.

Стойка для демонстрации обуви, 2 стороны с полками для демонстрации, а 2 другие стороны для демонстрации POP вывесок.

Лайтбокс с одной стороны освещает вашу обувь и вывеску.

Боковые и головные логотипы.


Деталь продукта

Customizable Shoe Display Rack with Personalized Designs

Адаптируемый стеллаж для демонстрации обуви поможет вам продвинуть и увеличить экспозицию ваших новых обувных линий. Эти стойки идеально подходят для демонстрации отличительных качеств ваших последних новинок обуви, поскольку они созданы специально для независимой розничной торговли.

Смелый стиль для оптимального эффекта

The retail shoe display shelf for retail stores is suitable for placing in high-traffic areas of your shop because of its broad and sturdy base. For your priceless goods to be shown smoothly and securely, the safety and dependability of the racks are crucial.

Multipurpose Functions for Shoe Display Stand

The shoe stand is modular in design, including essential parts like a base and main body as well as add-ons like a light box or promotional information display options. With its 4 sides, 2 sides with shelves to display, and the other 2 sides to display POP signage. A lightbox on one side illuminates your shoes and the sign display on it provides a thorough introduction to the special characteristics of shoe samples.

Эффективное общение с клиентами

The lightbox section of the wooden rack acts as a main point of reference for explaining the features and advantages of your new shoes. This area enables you to interact with customers while emphasizing the benefits of your shoe items. The well-placed brand logos on the side and head also help with brand implantation and leave a lasting impression on customers.

Стойка для демонстрации обуви
Дисплей для обувных стоек
Стойка для демонстрации обуви
Стойка для демонстрации коммерческой обуви

Отдельно стоящие предметы для различных выставок

We offer an assortment of freestanding units, which include classic 2-sided chrome fixtures with adjustable shelves. The 4-sided shoe towers for holding up to 8 shoe samples on 2 sides. You may mix and match flats, high heels, and boots for a visually striking presentation thanks to the adjustable shelves.

Адаптируемые стеллажи для придания законченного вида

After the fixtures are installed, the shelving is a crucial component in enhancing the visual appeal of your business. Select from our selection of black metal shelves with or without integrated sign holders, as well as transparent, plastic, or acrylic shelves. These shelves provide versatility in design, as they may be integrated into floor fittings or used in conjunction with slatwall panels.

Custom options: metal shelves work well with grid wall panels and enhance your current arrangement.

Последние детали для полного впечатления

Take care of the little elements for retail stores to finish the makeover. There are plenty of customization options, like sitting seats, fitting stools, and mirrors, all necessary components for a relaxing and engaging shopping experience. Make sure the shoe try-on process is hassle-free for your consumers.


Функция Деревянная полка для демонстрации обуви
Характеристики 2 sides for shoe displays, 2 sides for POP signage displays
Размеры Настраиваемый
Цвет black, warm wooden color, or customized
Материалы Металл и маламин МДФ
Пакет Вырубка для плоской упаковки

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