Väggmonterad kakeldisplay med fack

Wall Mounted Tile Display Rack with Slots, crafted entirely from stainless steel, each set includes 2 slots equipped with hooks and springs. Offer customization services: the shape of the metal slots, the sample capacity, brand logo signage, etc. Only suitable for long-term use in retail stores, like tile stores, home furnishing stores, and whole house customization stores.

Väggmonterat kakelställ med spår, tillverkat helt i rostfritt stål, varje uppsättning innehåller 2 spår utrustade med krokar och fjädrar.

Erbjuda tjänster för kundanpassning: metallslitsarnas form, provkapacitet, logotypskyltning etc.

Endast lämplig för långvarig användning i detaljhandelsbutiker, t.ex. kakelbutiker, heminredningsbutiker och butiker för anpassning av hela hus.

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Wall Mounted Tile Display Rack with Slots

Den wall-mounted tile display rack, crafted entirely from stainless steel, each set includes 2 slots equipped with hooks and springs. The steel slots are fixed on the wall and have excellent firmness and reliability, making the tile display perfect for various types of tiles and wooden boards. It is only suitable for long-term use in retail stores, like tile stores, home furnishing stores, and whole house customization stores.


  1. Each set of the tile display rack is composed of 2 wall-mounted stainless steel slots, each slot is equipped with 1 top hook, 2 middle hook, 1 bottom hook, and 3 springs.
  2. The high-quality stainless steel framework ensures long-term use without deformation or corrosion and also provides a reliable display for the displayed samples in retail environments.

Installation Steps

  1. Secure the wall-mounted stainless steel slots to the wall using screws, and make sure that the 2 of each set are at the same height.
  2. Attach 1 top hook, 2 middle hook, 1 bottom hook, and 3 springs to each slot according to the size of your displayed samples.
  3. Put on the samples through the hooks and springs.


  1. The particular tile display design features 2 stainless steel slots per set, each capable of displaying 3 tile samples. We offer customization services to cater to your specific needs, including the shape of the metal slots, the sample capacity, brand logo signage, etc. Please refer to wall-mounted tile display boards.
  2. It is recommended to use two or more sets together to form a complete and unified wall display to attract customers.
  3. Perfect for various types of tiles and wooden boards.
  4. Endast lämplig för långvarig användning i detaljhandelsbutiker, t.ex. kakelbutiker, heminredningsbutiker och butiker för anpassning av hela hus.


  • Each slot Dimensions: 25.4cm x 4cm (10in x 1.5748in)
  • Recommended spacing for each set of 2 slots: 72cm (28.3565in)

Enhance your retail environments with Solid Displays' wall-mounted tile display rack, offering both durability and aesthetic appeal to perfectly showcase your tile or wood samples.


Funktion Custom wall-mounted display rack for tiles or wooden boards
Funktioner Wall-mounted, 2 slots in 1 set
Dimension Kundanpassad
Färg Svart, eller anpassad
Material Rostfritt stål
Paket Knock down för platta förpackningar

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