Takmonterat kakelställ med spotlights

Ceiling-Mounted Tile Display Rack with Spotlights, fixed to the ceiling of the indoor space through the fixing frame on the top. Only suitable for permanent installations in interior spaces like retail settings. Top spotlights illuminate every detail of the tiles and increase their beauty.

Takmonterat kakelställ med spotlights, fäst i taket på inomhusutrymmet genom fästramen på ovansidan.

Endast lämplig för permanenta installationer i inomhusmiljöer, t.ex. i butiker.

Top spotlights belyser varje detalj i plattorna och gör dem ännu vackrare.

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Takmonterat kakelställ med spotlights

Den ceiling-mounted tile display rack, designed to showcase tile samples with style. The whole body of the custom tile display rack is made of metal, with a solid and stable structure. When used, it is fixed to the ceiling of the indoor space through the fixing frame on the top. It is only suitable for interior spaces with long-term fixed use, such as retail settings, like tile shops, home furnishing shops, whole house customization shops, etc. The top is equipped with spotlights, which can illuminate every detail of the tile and increase its beauty, allowing customers to choose easily.

Sturdy and Durable Structure Design

  • The tile display rack features a robust structure composed of 1 ceiling-mounted frame, 1 display frame, and 2 side stabilizing bars. Made from high-quality metal, the metal rack is rust-resistant and difficult to bend, ensuring a long service life.
  • To install, the frame is securely mounted to the ceiling at the first. Tile samples are placed in the display frame, which is then held firmly in place by the 2 additional sidebars, ensuring stability even with heavier tile samples.
  • The top frame is equipped with 4 adjustable spotlights—2 on each side—allowing for comprehensive illumination of the tile samples, enhancing both their visibility and attractiveness.

Funktionella fördelar

  • The adjustable spotlights can be directed to highlight every detail of the tile samples, making it easier for customers to appreciate their quality, texture, and color in a well-lit environment.
  • Designed specifically for ceiling mounting, the display rack is best suited for permanent installations in interior spaces like retail settings, such as tile stores, home furnishing stores, or whole house customization shops.
  • Customizable features are available upon request, such as rotating or sliding functionalities, providing greater flexibility to meet your unique display needs.

Mått och dimensioner

  • Total Dimensions: 80.32cm x 55.88cm x 217.78cm (31.6211in x 22in x 85.7402in)
  • Top Frame Length: 80cm (31.4961in)
  • Display Frame Thickness: 8.09cm (3.187in)

With its sleek and functional design, the Ceiling-Mounted Tile Display Rack is the perfect solution for displaying tile samples in a professional and aesthetically pleasing manner.


Funktion Custom tile display rack
Funktioner Ceiling-mounted, equipped with spotlights
Dimension 80.32cm x 55.88cm x 217.78cm (31.6211in x 22in x 85.7402in), or customized
Färg White, grey, or customized
Material Metall
Paket Knock down för platta förpackningar

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