Stativ för dubbelsidig broschyrdisplay

The double-sided brochure display stand, consists of a metal frame and 8 acrylic brackets on both 2 sides. Equipped with wheels at the bottom for increased mobility.

Det dubbelsidiga broschyrstället består av en metallram och 8 akrylfästen på båda sidorna.

Utrustad med hjul i botten för ökad rörlighet.

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Custom Free-Standing Brochure Display Stand for Retail Stores

Solid Displays presents a custom free-standing brochure display stand, meticulously crafted to elevate your brand presence and supercharge sales. Let's delve into the key selling points that make this floor-standing display rack a must-have in the competitive retail landscape.

Att bryta mot normen: Förnyelse av hyllor i detaljhandeln

Traditional retail shelving tends to fade into the background, making it challenging for products to grab customers' attention. The custom book stand is crafted to break the monotonous store layout, and make sure your brand and products stand out easily from the crowd of retail stores. This bespoke display stand consists of a metal frame and 8 acrylic brackets on both 2 sides, serving as a powerful tool to influence customer choices, providing a distinctive and eye-catching appearance that captivates and engages.

Övertala återförsäljare att skicka din produkt i kommission

The standout advantage of this brochure display rack is its ability to easily persuade retailers. The unique design and visual appeal encourage merchants to consign your product or brand. Cleverly positioning your items on our well-crafted displays can convince merchants to prominently showcase your product or brand, resulting in enhanced exposure and potential sales. It is usually used as a book display stand, magazine display holder, and so on.

Double-Sided Displays for Maximizing Retail Space

Designed for both functionality and aesthetics, the floor display racks feature double-sided displays that serve a dual purpose. Not only do they increase product exposure to customers, but they also save valuable store space or retail environment. This efficient use of space allows you to showcase more products, enhancing the likelihood of consumer interaction and boosting sales.

Förbättra varumärkesigenkänningen genom placering av logotyper

Varumärkesidentitet är avgörande för att skapa ett bestående intryck i detaljhandeln. Displayställen för böcker placerar strategiskt logotyper på sidan och toppen av hyllan, vilket osynligt förbättrar exponeringen av ditt varumärke eller din butik för kunderna. Denna visuella förstärkning skapar en stark koppling mellan produkten och varumärket, vilket främjar kundernas förtroende och lojalitet.

Rörlighet och bekvämlighet: Rullar för enkel manövrering

The stands are readily moveable thanks to the addition of wheels at the bottom. This allows for not just quick repositioning inside the shop but also allows consumers to optimize their area depending on changing requirements and preferences.

Avtagbar design

Designed with simplicity in mind, this display rack for brochures comes with a straightforward structure, allowing for easy disassembly and convenient transportation. This not only cuts down on the costs associated with long-distance shipping but also ensures the safety of the items in transit. Furthermore, it substantially reduces the need for packaging materials, staying true to Solid Displays' commitment to environmental responsibility. Upon receiving the display rack, merchants can effortlessly install it following the provided instructions.

In conclusion, Solid Displays' custom free-standing brochure display stand serves as a merchandising tool, breaking free from the monotony of traditional shelving, captivating attention, and influencing consumer choices. Persuading retailers to consign your products, maximizing retail space, strategic branding, easy mobility, and a smart, detachable design — these key selling points are all customer-friendly.


Funktion Display for brochures, catalogs, magazines, or other kinds of books
Funktioner Double-sided
Dimension Anpassningsbar
Färg Grå, eller anpassad
Material Metall/Akryl
Paket Monterad förpackning för brevlåda


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